Innovation is not merely about generating ideas; it's a structured journey of creating meaningful change. As an Innovation Strategist, I've identified four crucial stages in a robust innovation process that can drive significant personal and professional growth.
In this clip, I share the Innovative Process with Mary Jean Vignone from the Fearless Femme Summit.
Here are the four key stages:
1. Understanding the Challenge
Dig deep into the problem
Gain insights from users
Ensure you're addressing the right issue
2. Exploring Options/Ideation
Generate multiple ideas and solutions
Select one or a few to explore further
3. Developing and Testing
Prototype your best ideas
Gather feedback from potential users
Refine based on real-world input
4. Implementation
Turn your validated idea into reality
Continue exploring options to bring that reality to life, acknowledging there are many action plans and steps possible
This process isn't often linear but messy and iterative- you may need to loop back to earlier stages as you learn many times. And I believe that the idea of the clean funnel process is often not realistic.
The key is to embrace the journey, stay open to feedback, and remember that true innovation often emerges from iteration and perseverance, leading to personal and professional growth.
What stage of the innovation process does your team find most challenging?