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Business Model Canvas

Thank you for attending the

PDMA workshop on the

Business Model Canvas​

Please provide your contact  information to get the pdf of the presentation

Thank you for your interest! It may take a few minutes for the presentation slides to arrive in your inbox. Be sure to check all folders.

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Need help with your canvas(es)?​  Here are three ways we can support you:​ 

  • Draft your canvas and schedule a 15 minute feedback session​


  • ​Get help while creating the canvas with you and/or your team: 90-120 minutes virtual session

  • Want to use the canvas for strategic and innovation planning? Schedule a ½ day virtual or in person session to create a series of canvases and imagine possible scenarios around innovation.


Fill the form below or email directly

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Thank you for connecting - we aim to respond within 24 hours.

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